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Many world problems can be addressed through one solution: education. Why? Because knowing how to read makes people safer, healthier and more self-sufficient — yet nearly 800 million people are illiterate and two thirds are women and girls.

We started Novel Beauty with the vision to enhance your skin and NOT hide your story. We aim to continue to make this point - there is beauty in your intelligence. Today’s society of insta-gratification makes it far too easy to make superficial attributes the definition of beauty when we know there is so much more to our definition of ourselves and our beauty.

Written words are gateways to knowledge and opportunity that are only accessible to those with the ability to decipher them. Being able to read and write is essential. Despite the known benefits of literacy, 175 million young people in low- and lower middle-income countries are unable to read a single sentence. That’s one out of every four children.

Without a strong foundation of literacy skills, children are more likely to struggle throughout their education, live in poverty and see their potential hampered. In the areas where Room to Read work, numerous barriers prevent students from developing the literacy skills they need to thrive. These include a lack of educational resources, minimal exposure to age-appropriate books, insufficiently trained teachers and overstretched infrastructure. We evaluate the extent of these main barriers and work in partnership with local governments to assist schools to address the specific challenges they are facing and ensure students have what they need to develop strong literacy skills and a habit of reading.

Join us in making a change. For every Poor Man’s Rose - Bath and Body Set you buy from us 10% of profits will go to literacy and girls education in some of the worlds most deprived countries.

Find out more about how you can support literacy and girls education at Room to Read.

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